Womenpreneur, Mindset, Home Industry, RengatAbstract
This study aims to determine how to develop the mindset of women entrepreneurs. This
research is qualitative descriptive field research, because it wants to get a description of the
Womenpreneur Mindset in the Home Industry "Aneka Cemilan Asyifah" Rengat District,
Indragiri Hulu Regency. The data collection method used is Observation, Interview,
Documentation. The Credibility Test used is Extended Observation, Increasing Perseverance,
Triangulation, Reference Material, Member Check. The results of this study are 5 (five)
Mindset elements, namely Passion, Self Leadership Habits, Creativity Habits, Improvisation
Habits, and Self-Efficacy owned by Womenpreneur "Aneka Cemilan Asyifah". The Home
Industry entrepreneur "Aneka Cemilan Asyifah" shows that the entrepreneur has the passion
to be an entrepreneur according to his hobbies in the culinary business, and sees a business
opportunity. Even though there are obstacles, they are still looking for solutions to be able to
survive in the culinary business that the entrepreneur is living. Home Industry Entrepreneur
"Aneka Cemilan Asyifah" can direct and lead his members or employees, the desire to stay in
the culinary business since 2015 is carried out by implementing various strategies assisted by
his members. The strategy is to keep the business running for a long time, apart from doing
creative promotions through the use of social media, a creativity mindset is also done by
creating innovative products that are different from the products that have existed in Rengat.
The improvised habit mindset is by producing products that have never existed before using
quality materials and improving service to customers by delivering the ordered products to
the customer's place. The fifth mindset is also evidenced by the statement submitted by the
entrepreneur which shows that being an entrepreneur is of course a boss who can manage his
own business without being regulated by others and is caused by having a hobby of cooking,
so he wants to become a Womenpreneur or female entrepreneur in the culinary field.